The tools you need to get the job done
Locks Save Lives Home Toolkit
The Locks Save Lives Home toolkit is free to download for implementation in your community. The toolkit is designed for builders, property managers and realtors to use in their properties and communities to inform and encourage locking up prescription and over-the-counter medicine to reduce access to prescription opioids and prevent accidental poisonings and misuse that can lead to prescription drug addiction.
Two Locks Save Lives Home logo formats available (transparent PNG for web and EPS for printers).

Full color (right click image to download)

Single color transparent background (right click image to download)

Two color reverse logo (right click image to download)

Black and white transparent background (right click image to download)

Two color white logo (right click image to download)
8.5 x 11 tri-fold brochure with designated space for partner branding
For Builders & Property Managers
Brochure outside panels
Brochure inside panels
For Builders & Realtors
Brochure outside panels
Brochure inside panels
Tent Card
4 x 8 two-sided tent card with designated space for partner branding

Decal & Sticker
2 x 2.5 display decal and sticker
Decal for cabinet or lockbox “Secure Your Medications HERE”
“Secure Your Medications” promotional sticker
Rack Cards
4.5 x 10.5 two-sided rack card with 8 different images representing diverse family units and smart tips for safe medication storage and disposal on opposite side.
Social Media
A series of shareable social media posts with suggested copy to use with the social media posts.
Partner Social Media Graphics with Suggested Post Copy
Post copy options:
* Suggest linking posts to a page on the website or to a Locks Save Lives Home page on your company website.
Post copy options:
* Suggest linking posts to a page on the website or to a Locks Save Lives Home page on your company website.
General Social Media Graphics with Suggested Post Copy
Post copy:
Did you know people who misuse medications gain access through unlocked home medicine cabinets? You can help prevent this storing medication in a locked location at home. A simple step to keep your family and friends safe. Learn more about how YOU can save lives at:
Post copy options:
Post copy options:
StatisticsSocial Media Graphics withSuggested Post Copy
Post copy:
Though numbers are decreasing, 6 youth are being seen every 10 minutes in the emergency room for medicine ingestion. Prevent accidental ingestion by storing medications in a locked location at home. Share your story or testimony at
* Suggest linking to the Stories & Testimonies page on the website.
Post copy options:
Post copy options:
Post copy:
Did you know 75 percent of opioid misuse starts with using medication that wasn’t prescribed for them – usually taken from a friend or family member? The simple act of storing medications in a locked location keeps your loved ones safe and free from harm. Learn how to prevent prescription drug misuse at
Keep Them Safe Families Social Media Graphics with Suggested Post Copy
Post copy:
Keep families together by keeping medicine locked up! Pledge to lock your meds at
* Suggest linking to the pledge to lock your meds call to action page on the website.